Do I Need a Window Well Drain Repair?

Family owned & operated since 1969

Window Well Drain Repair

If you suspect your window well is not draining as it should, contact us. We can provide a free estimate for window well drain repair options. Sometimes it is difficult to determine if you need to act. There may be some wetness on the basement walls. That serves as a sign. But having a professional like Premium Waterproofing is usually a good idea. It can save you money in the long run.

We can easily identify window wells that need replacing. They are misshapen, and even rusty. If the structural integrity of the well itself is compromised, it can lead to much bigger issues. Allowing the collection of dirt and moisture. Blocking your drainage system and leaking water into your basement.

To learn more about our window well drain repair services, please call 630-879-6116. Where one of our Batavia associates can provide a free estimate and can answer questions you may have. If you would prefer to send us a message instead, please fill out the form found on this page, and we will contact you shortly.

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A full-service waterproofing company

Foundation Crack Repair

Wall cracks in poured concrete foundations are the most common way water enters the basement.

Interior Drain Tile Systems

The StablWall system is a unique polymer wall bracing foundation repair system.

Primary Sump Pumps

A properly sized sump pump is critical. Getting the right pump is an important step in ensuring your basement stays dry.

Battery Backup

Installing a second battery powered sump pump in case the primary pump fails should be considered especially in homes with finished basements.

Do I Need a Window Well Drain Repair?

Window Well Drain Repair and Accessories

Left unchecked, a leak will lead to more than just inconvenience. You run the risk of developing mold, flooding, and permanent damage. Which turns from a minor issue to an enormous cost.

Accumulating water outside the home can seep through the window and get into the basement. Trailing down the wall and spreading on to the floor. This usually means that the window well standpipe is clogged with debris. We can correct this issue with minor digging, replacing the standpipe, and reconnecting it to the drainage system.

If your window well is misshapen or rusty, it will not keep earth away from the basement windows. They allow for soil erosion into the well, resulting in future drainage issues. These problems can be avoided with the replacement of the window well. Where our team excavates the area and installs a new well. We can replace any size of window well and offer a variety of choices.

When you are ready to learn more, please call 630-879-6116 and speak with a Batavia specialist. They can discuss our window well drain repair services and can provide you with a free estimate. You can also send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Our patented, safe and 100% effective waterproofing method can be used on foundations consisting of poured concrete, block, brick, stone, red clay tile plus crawlspaces and slabs. We have been in business for more than 35 years and have over 85,000 “RAVING FANS.”

A focus on quality & expertise

Professional Window Well Repair Solutions

From window well drain repair to sump pump repair, Premium Waterproofing is ready to help. We have served Batavia for over 30 years. Delivering the highest quality services, products, and customer experience. We are family owned & operated and commit to a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Your home is sacred, and we want to help you keep it that way. Water intrusion is difficult to resolve, so it is better to act proactively. Our team can provide solutions to waterproof your basement. Reducing the risk of unknown moisture intrusion or water collection. To make your home safer, healthier, and more efficient.

Premium Waterproofing delivers the best, high-quality service with no gimmicks.


A focus on quality & expertise

Contact Us Today!

For more information regarding our window well drain repair options, please call 630-879-6116. There, one of our team members in Batavia will be available. They can discuss your needs in more detail and can provide a free estimate. Or send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you as soon as possible. We look forward to working with you and providing the best customer service available.


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